Where prophets have wandered Through the sands of time Conflict and lies Word against word Man gainst man Uncompromising extermist Authoritarian death cult terrorist Led by unquestionable fath Equipped to detonate Martyroom operation, intent to kill Deliberate creation of dread Suicide terrorism Let the blood flow, let the flesh burn For this is the bay of truth It's the human carnage Justified by faith, hatred from within Fleshbomb ! Martyroom operation, intent to kill Deliberate creation of dead Violence for dramatic purpose Targeting the opposition Accepting their own death A return to medieval ways Let the free thinking man hang dead From the tree of life A reality in discordance with belief Infidels ! This is where I will shed my blood Through self immolation The death of an Enemy I will take you down with me I am the fleshbomb ! Propaganda regime Conscription by deception Hypnotic mass suggestion Blind obedient mind-slaves In spiritual warfare - Insanity divine Blessed by a mother's kiss of death