up in the palace of the syrup king she lost her innocence and everything for an icicle necklace and a snowball ring come on home little sister the mantle rumbles and the cold winds blow she craves affection and he gives her snow hey is that any way to make her garden grow come on home little sister come on home little sister thunder in tinseltown will a rain come and wash these mean streets down? thunder in tinseltown will a wind come and blow these heads around she was the youngest of our family and she means everything in life to me it sure is cold without your company come on home little sister come on home little sister thunder in tinseltown will a rain come and wash these mean streets down? thunder in tinseltown will a wind come and blow these heads around have you tried enough have you cried enough is it a pride that keeps you there? were you stupid to think he'd care thunder in tinseltown will a rain come and wash these mean streets down? thunder in tinseltown will a wind come and blow these heads around make the blind man see that our hearts are free in tinseltown