Separated by all the work we had to do Separated by all the arguments you lose Separated by all the things you thought you knew Separated by all the words you did not choose Separated by the results you can’t disprove Separated by all the answers you could not choose Separated by all the things you thought you knew Separated by all the dreams you drift into You try again your arguments out on me I try and tell you again But if you wanted to understand me you could If you wanted to hold my hand you would But you don’t want to You’vе committed to this wall we sleep against If you can’t carry the silеnce of the bruise If you can’t look at the wildness of the wound If you won’t look out the window onto the sea If you can’t carry your pain you will lay it on me To carry for you out in the open fields I bore it by feel In my stupid desire to heal Every rift, every cut I feel As though I wield some power here I lay my hands over all your fear This gushing running river here That spills out over these plains Soaking in all this rain Separated by all the work we had to do Separated by all the arguments you lose Separated by all the dreams you drift into Separated by all the things you thought you knew You don’t really see any problem here, but I do You don’t really have to believe me if you don’t want to Separated by the relief you want to feel Separated by the belief this cut can heal