Tom: A A Remember when I lost that bet That in a year things would make sense? E D A Let’s go downtown and fight the government. If it doesn’t last, it doesn’t mean It doesn’t mean the world to me, E D A We’ll make some enemies and make some friends. Because we’re young and we’re broke, I like to sing you like to smoke E D A And don’t expect no one to understand it. But my heart’s a bit preoccupied With looks you get from other guys, E D A Reminds me to keep yellin’ from that heart! CHORUS: F#m A Singin’ don’t let me down babe ‘cause this could be our time F#m E and if it isn’t hell, well gal you look just fine, F#m A And I could go away But won’t get very far. F#m E There’s somethin’ ‘bout the antidote of someone at your side A So I won’t let you down babe. VERSE 2:SAME PROGD SB ON AS VERSE 1 Remember when we camped out underneath The stars we couldn’t see Because the streetlights got too greedy. Police sent out the cavalry Like they set all the horses free, You named the big one Archimedes. ‘Cause we’ll be old an in debt So we’ll take all that we can get. They got a nickel each time I hear a heartbeat. But my heart’s a bit preoccupied With looks you get from other guys Reminds me to keep yellin’ from that heart! (Chorus) D A D A E We woke up in hegemony Where I could not do much, D A F#m E But even leviathans get lonely So we’re winning’s long’s we touch D A D A E And I’m as sure as a scandal, As sure as a serious thing, D A As sure as change, I won’t let you down babe (Chorus) this chorus is super percussive. I don't actually think he's even fretting here, he's just got his palm across the fretboard. D A D A E As sure as a scandal As sure as a serious thing D A D A E As sure as a scandal As sure as a serious thing D A As sure as change I won’t let you down babe