This is my city now An alien city I will exploit it all And bend it to my needs Much like the locust you are Consuming everything Deplete and find another target You have no idea what you brought in To never be good enough for you But nothing was ever good enough for you Hear me out If it was a game who’s the winner now? You know, cause I fail to see If there’s really one at all (Feels like diving) face forward Into a solid brick wall You have launched me Into eternity Hate was always my trade Until I met you It has found its way back For that you’ll get full credit We had a mission and you failed it Bringing down the team To never be good enough for you Hear me out If it was a game who’s the winner now? You know, cause I fail to see If there’s really one at all (Feels like diving) face forward Into a solid brick wall This is a case of my darkness Versus your instability (And) there’s no judge, jury Attorney or lawyer that can ever solve it This is for the nights I waited on you This is for the fortune I wasted on us And this is for giving up my entire life Just to be with you But the saddest part of it all Is that I would do it all again, given the chance Have no illusions, I still think you are a coward Who gave up the fight Instead of gritting one’s teeth and pulling through To never be good enough for you But nothing was ever good enough for you Only thing worse than the worst day Is the worst day revisited The same dagger is buried in my spine But different people keep twisting it Soon you’re going to need a bigger knife To effectively damage me But I’m proud of who I am, and of what I’ve become The king of clubs