The sons of cain gifted with furious strength bearers of the promethean torch the flame of undefiled wisdom once emerged under blackened skies in the gleam of alpha draconis the awakening of divine consciousness the dawn of true faustian spirit throughout the aeons from beyond ancient sumeria towards ragnarok further onward up to new horizons the bringers of order from chaos clash of the titans ten thousand years of victory god and beast in one seeds of the snake dragon with spirits forged in the eternal darkness and flesh clad in armour enemies are trodden under the cloven hoof hail the furor hail the furor diabolicus come forth precious hate werewolf strength conqueror, supremacist furor teutonicus creating a world where milk and honey, mead and blood flow the blood of man that is the spirit of vengeance children of the dragon are the coronation of the dragon the king and father of all without whose laughter their world would not be the breed of the dragon is the return of blood and iron the blood of the dragon is the clandestine sword of revenge seed of the dragon sons of the pentagram symbol of quintessence sign of spiritual domination triumph of the will seed of the dragon sons of the swastika symbol of progress sign of the four winds triumph of the flesh