Let's raise our glass and toast to white motherfuckers with a passion for things they don't understand three cheers for passion for things they don't understand three cheers for shallowness and superficiality is this american is this what makes a man a man broken chance for all those fools who knew me believe consume and die authority provided this is the best time to buy save your arguments you better splice your time twist your arguments you better waste your time perched here on the cutting edge of individuality parade the banner of our with the old in with the new for the renaissance man who rolls his eyes and says hoe's done it all before you've replaced a sense of history with a sense of I'm so much better than you I'm not cursing time and space because I haven't been in the right time at the right place think of all the time you waste putting others down to make yourself feel better if nothing's going on it's because nothing's going on inside your head is everything that you crusade for just a circumstantial crutch for your image don't act surprised don't smile don't pretend that there's anything going on that's anything new to you is anything new to you.