We're so ugly our doctor prescribes smack When we look in mirrors they always crack We're so ugly and also we're unkind The only thing worse than our fronts are our behinds We're so ugly don't you look at us Othewise you might pass out our ugliness does crush We're so ugly little children gasp I crush 'em to death under my enormous arse We're so ugly you sure would pass out And if we give you a leer in terror you will shout We're so ugly old ladies they do cry If they have heart conditions sometimes they do die We're so ugly tourists cameras at us click They are so insensitive they are really sick But we're so ugly we break the camera's lens Thos cameras are so traumatised them you cannot mend We're so ugly when archaeologists us find They'll claim we are Neanderthals from Neolithic times We're so ugly peaople scream but we don't mind One day our prince will come though of course he will be blind