The sky went dark When from the park Came gasps of agony A common pin It did him in Was dipped in QRV On the left bank She quickly sank Into depravity She later died Of suicide From drinking QRV They found him dead Upon his bed Contorted horribly His breath was still His lungs were filled With fumes of QRV With grief her life Was strangely rife Her children died at sea In failing health She sank her wealth In shares of QRV With carving knives They lost their lives Sent to eternity Who would suspect A local sect That pedalled QRV While skipping past A rail too fast They perished clumsily What did they do But fall into A vat of QRV Among the dead Were listless Ned Aunt Glou Glou Lady Twee The Woolly Flames And Little James Done in by QRV Who once was pretty Gay and witty A spirit wild and free Now lies half dead Across the bed A slave to QRV One day she wrote A farewell note She wanted to be free They found her stripped Within her crypt Done in by QRV Ask not for whom Was raised this tomb Which stands above the sea But know inside Lies one who died From taking QRV