The maggots feed they feed on him Well some they laugh and some give in You cannot breathe the putrid air The bastard’s dead and no one cares There are no relatives or friends The sad condolences descend The pauper’s grave is all that’s left No one to pay their last respects To die in filth in filth obscure To die so dirty and so poor Your life was right your life was wrong The virtues and the vice all gone His mother’s heart would surely wrench To see the poverty and stench A social worker does discard A box of letters and postcards The only records of a life That now has passed into the light To die in filth in filth obscure To die so dirty and so poor Do you ever wonder that you’d be Left all alone and lonely The same as him on Judgement Day Left all alone to fade away Because you lack the social skills And then grow old and then grow ill To die in filth in filth obscure To die so dirty and so poor To die in filth in filth obscure To die so dirty and so poor To die in filth in filth obscure To die so dirty and so poor To die in filth in filth obscure To die so dirty and so poor To die in filth in filth obscure To die so dirty dirty dirty Dirty dirty dirty dirty and so poor