Drunk on rum what a bum but the breeze fills up my sails Cabin boys I annoy well they know how not to fail Take 'em all one by one well a pervert must have fun Give 'em wood it does 'em good I know they could be my sons You're gonna be what you will be and it is no good to fight I don't feel bad I don't feel sad I fuck them it's my right A callous sod some think I'm odd but a man must have his fun So I sigh to sea and sky as my blood runs When I die it will be hot destination Hell I got Cabin boys they make me sin I drown my guilt I am in If you ask I feel shame and my guilt causes pain But though that guilt does try again my lust does rise for pain Then again I have my fun and once again my evil comes With that lash I them slash otherwise there'll be no cash Then I'll be back on the deck fuck with me and you I'll wreck I'm the sadist with a lash cabin boys their backs I slash Cat o'nine tails oh what fun I know how to treat the scum But now I am down below and submission's what they show I too must have fun so cabin boy your job is done (Cabin Boys) When your blood runs