Aunty Mabel liked more than Just a drop of rum She could take a crew of sailors Each one up her bum Well she knew the street corners Of her town well But Aunty Mabel Aunty Mabel’s secret Was that she was not a girl Aunty Mabel She wasn’t a chick Aunty Mabel She had a Aunty Mabel’s orifice It had been well used By a judge a judge jury and By the accused She had lost both her legs Cut off in the war So to support herself Had sailors by the score Aunty Mabel Well she wasn’t a chick Aunty Mabel She had a Well her orifice had been well used She was well known as the Well known as the best screw around And if you’re feeling horny You can give Aunty Mabel a spin Then you can leave her money in her Disabled tin Well Aunty Mabel She wasn’t a chick Aunty Mabel She had a Well if you put your hands between My Aunty Mabel’s plastic artificial thighs And you try to feel her snatch You’re in for a surprise Aunty Mabel She wasn’t a chick Aunty Mabel Mabel Mabel Had a dick dick dick dick dick Dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick