I walk this long white corridor, With corpses either side, Toe tagged and body bagged, And soaked in Formaldehyde, Fluids drained no life remains, I pass them as they sleep, I cannot wake anyone of them, Because their slumber is so deep. First a man, who was sick to death, Of the choices he had made, He found his path to happiness, On the edge of a razorblade, He had no life, it didn't matter, Now he can finally rest, Now he finds himself on a silver table, With stitches down his chest. Second a woman who wasn't ill, Just simply at that stage, No sickness or foul play here, Just a severe case of old age, She will always be remembered, A family in dismay, On a silver table, all pale and cold, With a smile she will lay. Last a girl so beautiful, So gorgeous in her rest, Eyes rolled back inside her head, And stitches down her chest, Once a cherished daughter, Now a victim of obsession, I like to brush her hair at night, Like she is in my possession, A soul-less splendor lying there, In a never ending sleep, I wish she was my girlfriend, One that I could keep, I hold her hands to pass the time, No pulse is there to feel, Sometimes it feels one sided, It's like a love that isn't real, One day she will move on from here, To a grave so far away, There's nothing I can do about it, There's nothing I can say, I'll just stand there showing no emotion, As the hearse drives away, Another corpse I loved and lost, But tomorrow's another day.