In the city of Glesga 'twas aye oan the kerds If ye lived near the river ye'd work in the yerds The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes Were the muckle great cranes that reached up tae the skies Chorus: Where we built the great ships of iron and steel The Lizzies, the Mary, we built them right here We built the great ships, the pride o' the sea But noo there is nae work for me And who wid believe that we built the great ships? At the end o' the forties apprenticed was I Tae the cream of the welders by the name o' MacKay "Ye've twa lugs and ane gob so listen, nae lip And I'll show youse young lads how we build the great ships." Chorus There's scarcely a ship noo and blessed few men As the river runs silent through Silicon Glen For an auld clapped oot welder ye'll no get much thanks Noo there's fish in the river and chips oan its banks Chorus