At dawn they awakened by a strange sound. Something that sounded like heavy steps, really heavy steps. Something was slowly bringing itself closer and closer towards them. What could it be? The fear slowly began to take hold of our travelers as they all grabbed their weapons and formed a circle. That way everyone had their back covered. "Over there behind those trees!" A troll suddenly appeared... with a huge battle axe in hand he just stood there waiting, but waiting for what? "Look! There's trolls over there too! And there, and there. May the gods have mercy on our souls, we are surrounded by battle trolls!" But why were they just standing there, why weren't they attacking? They would soon know why. Suddenly all the trolls started to pound their weapon against their shields, making an almost hypnotic rhythm. And suddenly, from the bushes came something so huge, so hideous and so evil that any man unfortunate enough to meet it would be lucky if he died of fear. It was a GOBLIN. By it's side stood the man that betrayed Kira and her clan, and sold the book of mystery to the dark side. "Spare the woman, I want her alive" he said. "The rest is all yours. ATTACK!" There came the word they were waiting for Their warlord was screaming ATTACK! Hungry for battle and enemy blood They would never stop So fire your bows while you still got the time Kill as many as you can Reduce the number of enemy troops As they run towards you You know this time you have to stand There is no turning back So gather the strength you received from the powers above Now Kira is attacked by the enemy lord Deadly combat with sword And the power of the dwarf's double axe It spreads fear among the trolls The sorcerer is casting a ghastly spell aiming towards the goblin And Siam strikes a deadly blow tearing the head of a troll The battle rages furiously And neither side will give in So the chosen one gives a silent prayer to the gods Give me the strength to be victorious Give me the strength I need to live through this day Give me the strength to be victorious Give me the strength to fight for me and my friends In the dark the screams of wounded soldiers fills the forest And the smell of death spreads the air Is it over, did they win, no one knows the answer They have to wait until the sunrise Hours of fear! Give me the strength...