[In the beginning of his journey he was alone, but along the way he met a few brave men who decided to join him in his quest to stop the evil one. One of those men was a sorcerer that was sent by the sorcerers of light, the rightful owners of the book. He offered his service and knowledgem and by Good, they needed that help! With a mighty sorcerer by thire side the odds seemed a little bit better. He explained that the mightiest magician exsisting, hade been sent to oblivion by the dark side, and even though his powers were not quite that strong he promised to do what he could the help them... and what more could they ask for?] Once there was a man, who lived alone in the shadows He had no place that he could call home, and at night he slept all alone But one day the God loked his way and saw the great might within him. He gave him the power he needed to become what he once had been And so the legend begins of a story that's older the time itself Yes the greatest of sorserers is he. That' the way it always will be The powers he's got controls all living beings He sees in the future and rules over fire and winds Yes the powers he's got were equal with gods And the kingdom was his *couse he has the key [solo Fredrik] [solo Steven] [solo Fredrik] He lived for hundreds of years, annd the evil one watched him with fear Cause the powers that he held within, they had to let the silent begin They did a ritual that put him to sleep, 'cause they knew he couldn't be killed In oblivion he disappeared, until one day when he shall awake They did a ritual that put him to sleep, 'cause they knew he couldn't be killed In oblivion he disappeared, until one day when the sorcerer awakes