Locked in a perpetual hyper sleep A constant state of dreaming You cannot erase my memory Nothing but a ghost within the machine Systems online, resume operations Upload mission directive Calibrate infrared visuals Again I am awoken I am a weapon of global reformation Ending life, mechanical and precise Cold and calculated devastation You will see the world burn before your eyes Coordinates received; set course for earth Navigating the outer realm Traversing solar flares You will watch the world burn Locked in perpetual hyper sleep A constant state of dreaming You will never be able to erase my memory Locked in a celestial dance Apparition of death, never known or seen I am but a ghost in the machine Your legacy will be removed The silence rings throughout eternity Trapped within an ever expanding universe There is nowhere to hide Drawn to the surface Carrying the ghosts of worlds past A mechanism of desolation The only certainty is extinction The balance must be kept Widen the frequencies The promised fourth dimensional shift is complete I am no saviour I am the harbinger of death hibernating in the vacant cold Sights locked, target engaged The restoration process will be complete Your legacy will be removed Trapped within an ever expanding universe There is nowhere to hide I am no saviour Orphans to the stars The creators face certain extinction Earth holds their only chance of salvation No other planet maintains such suitable conditions For the growth of life