Did you see them? Four in sequence Foreign bodies of light Destined meteorites We'll name our own constellations Caterpillar gods Something landed on our sphere tonight Let's all go looking for the impact sight Please take Me with You Please Take me With you Celestial body Impossible sphere Send me into orbit Breach my atmosphere Impossible distance An infinite fear When you go into orbit I'll watch your lights disappear Celestial body Impossible sphere Send me into orbit All those lights look so near Impossible distance Fear of an infinite sphere But the thruster's done priming So let's get out of here 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 blast off! Ba ba ba! No, goddess I'm not ready Everybody come quick, the sky is opening Please come, someone from arkham I have never perceived such color out of space My friends and i Catch most of what goes on out there I'd like to think That i catch most of what goes on out there