Eighteen years had come and gone For momma they flew by But for me they drug on and on We were loadin' up that chevy Both tryin' not to cry Momma kept on talkin' puttin' off goodbye Then she took my hand and said Baby don't forget Before you hit the highway you better stop for gas And there's a fifty in the ashtray if you run short on cash Here's a map and here's a bible if you ever lose your way Just one more thing before you leave Don't forget to remember me This downtown apartment sure makes me miss home And those bills there on the counter keep tellin' me I'm on my own Just like every sunday I called mama up last night And even when it's not I tell her everything's all right Before we hung up I said Hey mama don't forget To tell my baby sister I'll see her in the fall Tell mamaw that I miss her yeah I should giver her a call And make sure that you tell daddy that I'm still his little girl Yeah I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be But don't forget to remember me Tonight I find myself kneelin' by the bed to pray Haven't done this in a while so I don't know what to say But lord I feel so small sometimes in this big old place Yeah I know there's more important things But don't forget to remember me