When i ask you what you want but you don't even know All the problems that you face you will not get through And when the time is right you wont know what to do When all of your problems have taken hold of you This life you lead is false and deterred Coz the way your living life you'll end up in the dirt You'll end up in the.... In the dirt! And soon your time will come and life will meet it's end Unless you change your ways your life will be short my friend Your goal in life is to live My goal in life is to give Yourself has now shined through and now the jokes on you Unless your lifestyles changed you wont be the same again All this torture and pain you've put your friends through All this torture and pain Your life won't be the same unless you.... Stand on your two feet Your life is filled with guilt Controlled by something thats not yourself Your life is filled with guilt My life is lived guilt free Your life wont be the same