She nods to the world, and it spins a bit faster And tilting its axis, it leans in towards love. And the machines of the city will close up their mouths, And out come their ears and they lean in towards love. The cowards and cynics stuffed up in their castles Look down at the chaos and hear the bells buzz And frightened but ready, they fall from the clouds, Finally invited to lean in towards love. And the writers will get out their dried up old pens, And the painters will splash out the colors again. And the people will dance on the doors of the club, All for a chance to come and lean in to love. And the men will forget their tyrannical lust And we will throw down our weapons and come and lean in to love. There's no need to force it she loosens her corset And shows you it's easy to lean into love. And under the blanket of glittering stars, The fear and the hate are all swept away far. It's a force that seems foreign to all but a few, Who are one with the steadfast, eternal, and true. How anxious we are that they may teach us to forget What we've learned and come lean into love And the writers will get out their dried up old pens, And the painters will splash out the colors again. And the people will dance on the doors of the club, All for a chance to come and lean in towards love.