Tom: G Listen to the song to learn the rhythm. Verse chords: F#m, Bm, G, D Chorus chords: Bm, G, E, F# LYRICS: Got this bad feeling about Professor Snape Always punishing Harry unnecessarily It’s like, how many effed up things does he have to do Before someone says, “I don’t trust this dude" Well you get what you deserve Hey, Dumbledore Can you read the writing on the wall On a lightning struck tower You can’t delude yourself anymore Hey, Dumbledore Can you read the writing on the wall On a lightning struck tower? Can’t delude yourself anymore Wake up (wake up) He’s got the Dark Mark Right there on his arm Write it off to vocation, It’s all part of his charm Well, he’s drunk with power And he’s on Malfoy’s side Been saying it since the first one, “I DON’T TRUST THIS GUY." Albus why do you? Albus why do you? Albus why did you? Hey, Dumbledore Can you read the writing on the wall On a lightning struck tower You can’t delude yourself anymore Hey, Dumbledore Can you read the writing on the wall On a lightning struck tower You can’t delude yourself anymore Imperious, Avada Kedavra Inperious, Avada… Stop Severus Snape Stop Severus Snape