The Real Mckenzies

Scots 'Round The World

The Real Mckenzies

In the 18th century way up in the Highlands 
The British lion roared at Scotland with a henious plan 
The English pushed up from the South with murderous dragoons 
And what they did to Scotland will not be forgotten soon 

The fighting feild culloden, Prince Charlie was the man 
Of illusionary grandure with no head for command 
Cumberland with cannon fired on Scots with sword in hand 
Brave men fought & died in kilts defending ancient clans 

They were Scottish, and now they're gone 
They were Scottish, but they live on 

The Higlanders were cut to shreds, hung & lost their heads 
To put some to rot in prisons and left 'em all for dead 
No mercy for the Highland people screaming through the years 
Some were chained & shipped as slaves far off to new frontiers 

People come & people go but Scots will never die 
They live on in sons & daughters 
Scottish heart. Scottish pride 
Now there's Scottish all around the world 
And what better world their be 
Remember the ones who made our Scottish history