The Psalms Project

Psalm 8 (In All The Earth)

The Psalms Project

Yahweh, our Lord
How majestic is Your name
In all the earth
In all the earth
You have displayed Your glory upon the heavens

And from the mouths of children and infants
You have ordained praise
To confound Your enemies and silence them

When I consider Your heavens
When I consider Your heavens

When I consider Your heavens
The work of Your fingers
The moon and the stars You’ve hung in place

I think what is man, that You should think about him?
And who are we that You should care for us?

You have made us just a little lower than the angels
But You have crowned us with glory and honor
And You have made us the ruler of all the work of Your hands
You have placed all things under our feet
The flocks and the livestock
The beasts of the land
The birds of the air
The fish of the sea
And every creature of the ocean
O Lord, how majestic is Your name
In all the earth
In all the earth

Yahweh, our Lord
How majestic is Your name
In all the earth
In all the earth
In all the earth