Preserve me, O God, for in You I place my trust For I’ve said to You: You are my Lord, I am nothing without You As for the saints who are on the earth They are the awesome ones in whom is all my delight Their sorrows shall increase who run after other gods Their idols I will refuse, nor even mention their names For You, O Lord, are my portion and my cup You sustain me, You’re more than enough The boundaries of my land are never-ending I have a beautiful, I have a beautiful inheritance I will bless the Lord, who has given me counsel In my heart You teach me, in the night seasons I have set you before me Because He’s with me, I will never be shaken Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices And when I die, I will rest in hope For You won’t leave my soul in the grave, nor let me waste away You will not leave my soul in the grave You will raise me up and I’ll fly away You did not leave Jesus in the grave You will raise me up and I’ll fly away You have shown me the path of life In Your presence is fullness of joy You will show me the path of life In Your presence is fullness of joy In Your presence is fullness of joy In Your hand are pleasures forever