The fool has said in his heart: There is no God They are corrupt, they do wicked things There is no one who does good The Lord looks down on the sons of men To see if there are any who understand Who seek after God, but they have all gone astray They’ve all become corrupt There is none who does good, no, not one Do evil men know nothing at all? Who persecute as if that’s what feeds them They do not call upon the Lord Because of this, they’re terrified For God is with the sanctified The wicked try to thwart the hopes of the poor and the oppressed But Yahweh is their refuge He is a shield to all who trust in Him Yahweh is their refuge And He says: When you mess with the poor, you mess with me He makes the dreams of the poor come true The dreams of the poor come true He makes the dreams of the poor come true O-o-o-o-o Oh, that the salvation of the church would come down from heaven When the Lord sets free the captives His people will rejoice and His people will be glad His people will rejoice and His people will be glad