Days ran together like ink on a page Is this the occupation for a man his age Loosened up his tie to let the heat escape All the while his ears scream for a break But his workday is done his busy day is set aside One thing left to do he says i won't let a day go by Lift my hands lift my voice give it all away Nothing here is mine i'm a steward to my pay I will go the extra mile to show my love for Thee Storehouse full Your floodgates pour as You delight in me A boy twenty years and a dad who's ill Went to church with a sore heart and a cup to fill His job and his family he could handle it himself Couldn't tell the difference from worldly and heavenly wealth Now forty years have passed just now the light came back to view Wished he'd never let it go he says i want to spend my life with You With a craftsman's hands He made three lives stand still Gave them all desire to do His will And now they live in honor of their King Thankful and convicted by the gifts He brings Let me not take for granted everything You've made under the sun Keep my flesh and blood a working couple of Thine own