A denouement Lyrics Send "A denouement" Ringtone to your Cell Years before an ocean stretched over this sand-dune sea and shipwreck left the last of them stranded Left in a wasteland as the miles of water rained upwards towards the clouds It took some time but the hissing wind became their solace As the flesh was picked from their sun-bleached bones They found love and tranquility like they had never known before As the flesh was picked from their sun-bleached bones They found love and tranquility like they had never known before And the script ends with no resolution; A denouement slowly melting through time and space into itself again Send "A denouement" Ringtone to your Cell Interaction Mail to a friend Send Lyrics to a Friend Share on Facebook Buzz up! Stumble It Add to Del.icio.us Add to Del.icio.us Your Ad Here Other Popular Lyrics by Pax Cecilia, The Beneath every powerline there is still a graveyard MDCCLXXV Opening monologue An aurora: the crux candide Fluorescence A.D. 1429: burning the body of Joan of Arc, or "Cupid" Phosphorescence A.D. 79: burying the city of Pompeii, or "psyche"