El batallón, brigada Marty Come on! Come on! Marchez! Victory is ours! We can't deny all the blood we've spat 'til there Fight for your land, that's where we stand The country has been occupied Loaded guns on our shoulders We hit and run, no pasaran! We will never go 'cause we've been counted out Resist! Resist and shout! Hundreds of soldiers ready to fight, brigada Garibaldi Many of them were just gone, the victmis of '36 Even nowadays, fight or survive, Europe has been occupied El batallón that's an encore! Marchez! Marchez! Marchez! Land of disgrace, Europe has failed We're simply surrounded, you see? Our enemies have changed their uniforms Still as trash as their beliefs Wish i could see the brigade coming again to save our souls Brothers and sisters, it's never too late! Come on! Marchez!