And were these men of New England Who fought foremost in this maritime encounter Which humbled the pride and the power of Great Britain Were these not great men of war? I ask you, was this sacrifice of body and the soul For the freedoms we have to come to know Not by these great men of war? I ask you, were these not great men of war? Great man of war, Washington Great man of war, Stonewall Jackson Great man of war, John Paul Jones Great man of war Pride, pride and vanity Bring forth the flesh of humanity And give to those, so ordained to lead These crusades of sword and flames Because a top the mountains in full view I watch the reaper taking his due Of these great men of war God, God have mercy on these great men of war Great man of war, Geronimo Great man of war, Robert E. Lee Great man of war, Ulysses S. Grant Great man of war Jesus, mother, God Not my arms What have you done to my arms? Not my legs, not my legs Why did you cut off my arms and my legs? I am a great man of war Great man of war, Eisenhower Great man of war, George Patton Great man of war, McArthur Great man of war Great man of war