To me you had sent indeed the wind. Thanks. As I stepped out from that door it has arrived directly in my face. But just one question: am I a better man? But just one question: is this a better world? Smoke through eyes that did not sleep. Of cigarettes lighten up in the morning soon. Of silence. Interrupted and broken. Usual fear to collapse in front of chewed hurting words. That forever I'll keep within and into those lowered eyelids. But just one question: am I a better man? Of the losses the most definitive and atrocious and unjust one. Soaked into those swollen eyes. It rains tears that slide in every breath, crushing into the purple. I let myself being invaded. Cause there's no shelter for those eyes that for how much I can tighten will not have the same light anymore. But just one question: am I a better man? But just one question: is this, above all, a better world? Memories holding me back to that moment. It feels hard as a sandstone. Soaked into swollen eyes Of broken dreams evaporating It rains tears that slide in every breath, crushing into the purple. The longest second. In the fold of a morning. Another man is waiting to die. The longest minute. In the fold of a morning. Another man is waiting to die. The longest hour. In the fold of a morning. Another man is waiting to die. The night of the longest day ever. Another man is waiting to die.