Cold remorse is for free men, unlucky son of one night With the guilt between our legs, the lust, touching your life We crawl in the dark, we run within the dream I do ask her not to scream until that moment Her breath sharp and shallow She will find nothing under my skin We move like one but her back is a just bending a straight line Father, we all die alone: A written path for a given destiny Father, we all die alone: Rhymes repeating endlessly The morning glows anew, we hold on to our own misery Memories of night turn to dust She cries softly As always nothing to fight for As we hold still, a warm breath, humid, sticks to me One more time we are nothing Nothing but a bunch of dead leaves left to the graceless wind Father, we all die alone: A written path for a given destiny Father, we all die alone: Rhymes repeating endlessly Until tonight she goes unseen Strip to the bone, her wounds unclean And once again, we are walking Walking through a broken glass with broken knees Down that road our guilt between the legs This red desire was resuming its place Of your heartbeat, on the hills of no lights Don’t forgive us unlucky son of one nigh