Tom: G * Hey everyone (: This is my first submitted tab. This is mostly right.. I think. I'm not sure. Try it out yourself. I'm learning the rest of the song right now, so yeah. This song is from first album, Our Home Is Gone. Comments and corrections are welcome (: Tuning: Standard / = slide up \ = slide down h = hammer-on p = pull-off ~ = vibrato + = harmonic x = Mute note . = Palm mute Ok here's the intro: D .... Dsus2 .... D7 OR here's the tab for that 1st three seconds if you prefer it over the chords: e|-2--PALM--o--PALM--2----------------------------------| B|-3--MUTE--3--MUTE--1----------------------------------| G|-2--FOUR--2--FOUR--2----------------------------------| D|-0--TIMES-0--TIMES-0----------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------| e|-------------------------------------------| B|-7h8p7-8/10-8-7----------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------| For this next part, I'm only going to put each chord down once, but you strum it a certain amount of times.. listen to the song. e|-0---0---0---0-----------------------------| B|-10--8---7---5-----------------------------| G|-9---9---7---7-----------------------------| D|-9---9---7---7-----------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------| (for this next part, hammer-on and pull-off on the high e string from 2nd fret to 3rd 2nd to 3rd or whatever to get from D to Dsus4.. the way I explained it was kind of crummy so look at the tab below the chords) D Dsus4 D OR here's the tab for that chord part: e|-2-2h3-3-3p2-2---------------------------------| B|-3-3---3-3---3---------------------------------| G|-2-2---2-2---2---------------------------------| D|-0-0---0-0---0---------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------| VERSE Disreguard what we know. Well your voice is so low (let chords ring) e|-2--0--0--0--------------------| B|-3--3--5--1--------------------| G|-------3-----------------------| D|-------------------------------| A|-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------| Will I stay? Will I go? This evening. e|------0----------1--0----------2p0-----| B|---------3-----------------3-------3---| G|---0----------0----------2---2---------| D|-----------------------0---------------| A|------------1--------------------------| E|-3-------------------------------------| See the light on the rail. Reflect red off the tail. (let chords ring) e|-2--0--0--0--------------------| B|-3--3--5--1--------------------| G|-------3-----------------------| D|-------------------------------| A|-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------| Lights in front of us. Slowly leading.. e|------0----------1--0----------2p0-----| B|---------3-----------------3-------3---| G|---0----------0----------2---2---------| D|-----------------------0---------------| A|------------1--------------------------| E|-3-------------------------------------| Thanksss. (: And I guess that's it. Also, listen to the song for strumming. Check back every week, there will most likely be another part of the song up. I'll update this tab as I learn and more.