Rarity She's the best pony She is fabulous At least spike thinks so Rarity Come and get your gown For the great galloping gala Oh yes it's so true, yeah Emerald Sapphire Diamond Not any jewel will do Oh come on What is that You look so Ridiculous Rarity She's so talented She makes dresses for Princess celestia What the heck Why can't she get a Free ticket to the ball Now she's gotta go bug twilight sparkle Oh no Which friend Will she Give the ticket to It better be All for me Or I swear I will bite her Hairity Touched by poison joke Hair is everywhere I can't do anything with this Swear to God Crazy are dreadlocks I mean what the hay I look a lot like Knuckles the echidna Scissors Fire Chainsaw Nothing's working working working Please change back Please change back Please change back Oh zecora! Rarity She's high society Everypony Should just know of her name Rarity You have a lot of weird Boyfriends oh, yeah And now it's time to name them Here we go Blue blood Fancy pants And that One rock it was named tom No hold on I was just Kidding ah Rarity she's the best Yeah