The Left Rights

I Like The Smell Of My Amiga

The Left Rights

Steve farts in his pants
Steve farts in his pants
Steve farts in his pants
Steve shits in his pants
Steve farts by accident
Steve farts by accident
Steve farts in his pants
Steve shits by accident
Steve shits by accident
Steve shits in his underwear
Steve shits in his underwear
Steve farts in his underwear
Steve farts in his underwear
Steve farts in his trousers
Steve farts in his trousers
Steve shits, smelly trousers
Steve shits, smelly steve
Steve shits by accident
By accident
By accident

Oh, me and my wife met when I raped her
She's a sweet girl, but the bitch had it coming
What line of work are you in? Oh, accounting
My wife was in accounting before I raped her
Now she's in counseling
What does your wife do? School teacher? Oh
Was that before or after you raped her? Before? Ah