My father was a bitter man, he worked til he was dead For twenty years he toiled but my family was fed My mother cried for one full day, but when that day was done The factory called her up and asked for me, her one and only son The factory life is all I have, an all inclusive club When my full day of work is done, I head down to the pub A ballad for the working man, the proletariat We work, we slave, we live, we die, and soon, we will rise up Stand up, And fight So many sitting idly by is no one conscious of our class Stand up, and fight Never will the exploitation end our conscience suffers, and so we die I know that I am naught but just an ordinary man I'm none too smart, but God help me, I do all that I can And when look upon my children's unsuspecting eyes My heart grows sad as I see them corrupted, by the systems lies If I should die today I know that I'd go straight to hell I'd look the devil in the eyes, I'd ring his fiery bell And then I'd go to heaven and see my father once again He'd look me up, he'd look me down and say son……… Where on earth have you been?