Eih do you know Eih you do you know what the world is talking about You can't. The world doesn't show happiness, pain or delusion, words The world lives without talking because somebody As somebody says has created it not for being overridden By human beings It's (x2) not at him the world to express Repulsion about how it's repaid have you ever seen him cough have you ever seen him cough for those black smokes Have you ever seen him vomit for all(x2) Have you ever Seen him vomit for all the rubbish it has to eat Are you able to see him breathe Without seeing every day. Its lungs being beaten down All the people that override it What's the respect towards toward a gift they have from centuries From centuries(x3) One day when our poor world will open Open its mouth it will hurt it will kill All because it hasn't had that respect it deserves Nothing and nobody can live smilin without respect(x3) It's (x2) not at him the world to express Repulsion about how it's repaid have you ever seen him cough have you ever seen him cough for those black smokes Have you ever take respect