An aqua world, the place I dwell a glass menagerie A filter, eight ball, rocks and plants Air that you can't breathe My happy home a wet domain Atlantis of my own See me now, so big and plump Just wait 'til I'm full grown chorus: I'm getting bigger and bigger, look out below I'm getting bigger and bigger, just watch me grow (2x) Post chorus: Expanding, expanding - my mind, my body, my soul Stretching out like spandex, expanding some more Expanding, expanding - so big, so fat, and so what Stretched out like a canvas, I like it that way - so shut up A spatial problem, it's plain to see I'm larger than the world would like me to be F e e d Me I can always eat Flounder, grouper, bluegill, bass They know that I'm in charge A tidal wave when I flip my fin They know that I'm living large, yeah (chorus) Damn, I'm fat Colossal, extreme and that is that No one would have ever guessed A little carp like me could so impress Plugging up the waterways, I'm pulling my weight A question and concern for some to contemplate Swimming around I'm living on my own Don't mess with me you'd best leave it alone