Tom: G#m F# Ebm F# F# Ebm F# E|--------------|----6-6-------|--------------|----6-6-------|--------| B|-----------11-|----7-7--11-11|-----------11-|----7-7--11-11|--------| (go G|-----------11-|----8-8--11-11|-----------11-|----8-8--11-11|--------| bak D|-----------11-|----8-8--11-11|-----------11-|----8-8--11-11|--------| A|-----------9--|----6-6---9-9-|-----------9--|----6-6---9-9-|--------| start) E|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------| WAR! HUH! what is it good...absolutely NOTHING! Repeat the above bit x4 Ebm War - I despise Cos it means destruction of anything alive War means tears In a thousand mothers eyes When their sons go off fighting and lose their lives I said Ebm F# F# Ebm F# F# WAR! HUH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? (absolutely) NOTHING! (War!) Ebm F# F# Ebm F# F# WAR! HUH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? (absolutely) NOTHING! (Good god!) Ebm F# F# Ebm F# F# WAR! HUH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? (absolutely) NOTHING! Ebm War has shattered many young man's dreams Playing the same old (???????????????) Life is too short and precious to spend fighting War don't bring life, it can only take it away I said Ebm F# F# Ebm F# F# WAR! HUH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? (say it again) NOTHING! (what?) Ebm F# F# Ebm F# F# WAR! HUH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? (absolutely) NOTHING! Ebm F# F# Ebm F# F# WAR! HUH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? (absolutely) NOTHING! Ebm Ebm I know we must fight to keep our freedom But I know there's got to be a better way then vocally ad lib it with various echoed 'NO!'s and 'Woah-oh's and stuff for a bit then: N.C. WARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWARWAR... etc. Note: During the verses - the Ebm changes slightly like, and I can't say for sure what to here are the chords it might be, it could be all of them - but it makes playing the verses more interesting anyway! Ebm Eb7sus4 Ebm7 Ebm6 E|-11-----------|--11----------|--11------11--|--11----------|--| B|-11-----------|--11----------|--14------11--|--13----------|--| G|-11-----------|--13----------|--11------11--|--11----------|--| D|-13-----------|--11----------|--11--or--11--|--11----------|--| A|-13-----------|--13----------|---x-------x--|--13----------|--| E|-11-----------|--11----------|--11------11--|--11----------|--|