i may not know how she feels and i may never be able to read her mind I don't know what it is shes thinking or what is it i need to do See I have never found a girl like her before with a blink of an eye im seeing a whole new world ive never loved like this before so many hours spent along up in my room then i found her Chorus: I just know When i wrapp my arms around you I feel safe And my body doesnt want to let go I just know that i want to make you to be the one I feel ready to let go and settle down I don't know if she's feelin all this or if she's ready to let it all go I don't know how to be what you like And simply open up the depth of my soul So I keep my arms open And my eyes on your heart Ready for you to hold me tight But holding my ground I haven't used these words in a very long long time it looks like we're falling in love Chorus I won't let you go even for a seconds worth or make you pay for a past that was once mine i want to leave it where it was left this is suppose to be our time can you feel my lips against yours Just move me like one of a kind Chorus To Fade Out