They act in your name Adored and defamed But they believe in you Even if you let them down They kill in your name But you don't allow a claim And all who is for, ends Your legacy back to the wall? Who's the one who will save them now When the sinner and the saints and the churches fall down And nobody knows your name They abuse under your ogins They refuse mother in times And all you ask for Did you lament cain's split all in vain Who's the one who will save them now When the sinner and the saints and the churches fall down And nobody knows your name They collapsed, belief its cross And you watch for matine to the sleeping God And nobody knows your face Your rewarder will save them now Save the world interefeedy a sense of now And they don't wanna know Your name anymore They collapsed, believe its cross You don't interviewin' of the sleeping God There's nobody else to blame God