The Independents

Wolfs Howl

The Independents

Intro As I run into the night
Never know what's right
Never know what's wrong
Just know that you are gone
Run during the day
Only to stop and prey
That this is someone else's dream
Just know that we are doomed
I run into the night
Running from my life
My life's love for you
Never to come true I run into the night
Running from the light
The light of the moon

As I run into the night
Running for your life
How my heart bleeds for you
But I know what I will do
To see you once again
But the pentagram in my hand
Only words I mutter to say
Is stay the hell away
The hunters they come for me.
Try to make me bleed
Silver bullet please
I beg to set our hearts free
I run into the night running from the light
Love dreams of you never to come true

As I run into the night
Never know what's right
Never know what's wrong
Just know that you are gone
I run during the day
Only to stop and prey
That I will never see you
Because i know what i will do
I run into the night
Running for our life
My life's love for you
Never to come true
I run into the night
Running from the light
The light of the moon
