You've got one hand in the cookie jar, and the other hand on the other side of the law Impulse control, Irony Engine working at full speed My heart's in my throat and my throat's filling with blood and as soon as i know what i want to say it will flood competition composition competition composition competition composition competition composition competition composition 1928 competition composition You can run in circles if you want, just stay out of mine elephants don't forget, so make sure elephants don't forget, so make sure competition composition competition composition 1, 2, 3, 4 composition Ride past broken windows Ride past broken windows You don't want to go the party, you just want to be invited You don't want to go the party, you just want to be invited competition composition competition composition competition composition impulse control, irony engine working at full speed for you impulse control, irony engine working at full speed for you you've got what the doctors call multiple dinosaur syndrome you've got what the doctors call multiple dinosaur syndrome judas told me that if you want to go far, you gotta go far judas told me that if you want to see far, you gotta be far away 1928 competition composition competition composition