The Icarus Line

Feed A Cat To Your Cobra

The Icarus Line

Tom: G

Tabbed By: PaulGanja - Ultimate Guitar User (http://*)
Tuning: Drop D (D,A,D,B,G,E) 
*It can also be played in standard!!
*But you'll need to change the chords * 
*E.G 999 becomes 997 powerchord!!* 

b - Bend the string up
~ - Let the note ring 
X - Left Hand Mute 


"Taking her back to your room, you start to wrestle"
"Never pushing over the line" 
"Snake in the grass feels every tender muscle"
"Assures you she's doing fine" 

Bridge (1) 

"Safe in body, Safe in mind"

Bridge (2) 

"Who oughta make you mine????"


Slow Part
"Let me know if you can't breathe......"

Note: There's a lot of effects in this part and notes missing towards the end 

Last Section 

Note: Both Guitars play off each other with different effects




This is a wicked song that has finally been tabbed. All sorts of effects are used
throughout the song but the main structure is there.