I'm cutting the cord That I wrapped myself around in I'm cutting it off Can't put my finger on it Who have I become? And I'm fooling myself, I'm fooling myself Can I soon be cryin'out yeah? The future is a wire A tightrope we are on I'm playing for desire Far from off The future is a wire A tightrope we are on I'm playing for desire [ The Happy Hollows Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ] Before I fall off And I want my hands clean on this It ain't gonna drop If I wrap myself around you, you can't pull me up And you're fooling yourself, you are fooling yourself And you see in me what you wanna see How do I get off? I can't wrap my head around it, and figure it out Can not put my finger on it What have we become We are fooling ourselves, we are fooling ourselves And now I see the future coming