Tipo de gaita: Diatônica Tom: D -4 5 5 -4 4 5 6 -4 5 5 -4 4 5 3 4 -4 5 -4 5 -4 4 -3 -3 4 -3 3 -4 5 -4 5 -4 4 -3 -3 4 -3 3 6 -6 6 -6 6 5 6 -6 -7 -6 6 -4 5 -4 5 -4 4 -3 -3 4 -3 3 Begins right where the harp joins. Only notes here, obviously. Easy topick up the rhythm if you know the song. And the "wah" and slightlybent notes come pretty naturally [if you know the song]. If you don'tknow the song--I suggest you learn it. Or give it a listen, rather.It's catchy. Catchy enough for me to actually tab out the harmonicapart and post it here.