Tom: D

                Happy Monday - The Floor Is Made Of Lava
Tabbed by: razmzdude

Tuning: Standard

Just tabbed the basic riff, as I coudn't find it anywhere. Listen to the song to find the rhythm.
I'll add the rest later.

G|-------------------------------------------------------------| Repeat this until Tobias
D|-------------------------5----------------------------5------| starts singing.

 I'd go home but it's Friday
 And Thursday's a week away
 I'll get over it someday
 Kinda like my granny's got a toupée
 I fall in love every Sunday
'Cause I forgot to get her number, don't remember her name
 She'll make my day on a Monday
 And I'll be happy that I left when she told me to stay

 I go to work in the weekends
 It's the only time of the week I don't sleep in

 I'd make out but it's pay day
 And I haven't had enough to get laid
 She'll get over it someday
'Cause she said: "Does your wife know you're gay?!"
 I'll call her up on a Sunday
 You know the number in my phone book that don't have a name
 We'll do and don't until Monday
 And I'll be happy 'cause she left when I told her to stay