I never thought it could have happened to me. But on the morning of my eldest daughter's Second wedding, I blacked out. They said it was just stress, but I didn't think so: I couldn't remember the 15 minutes before. A white-haired half Samoan girl from Darwin Gave me a ride, it seems; she let me the car in. But what it was she said, I couldn't say. Now, that clearly didn't happen. I consulted my Egyptian Grammar. On p. 333 was the hieroglyph for motorcycle helmet. I combined this with a leather-back's shell as I felt I was instructed. I Xeroxed it and posted it down by the bike lock-ups at the Oriental Institute. Maybe a nether-world entity would see it and pass it on to those responsible. That kind of thing must happen sometimes. Now that clearly didn't happen. I consulted by Egyptian Grammar. On p. 428 was the hieroglyph for French Canal boat. I met on the Midway someone channeling up a whatever it wasn't: There are 17 sections of cymbals in the orchestra of the oversold, it said. Your youth is lost and doesn't it now seem You can't make smoke--only steam? Now that clearly didn't happen. I consulted my Egyptian Grammar. On p. 566 was the hieroglyph for a blue jay.