Alcohol, heroin, THC Care in the impotent (numb) community* Resignation, irony, under scrutiny, so events can slip from memory of history, a voluntary dictatorship Chemical (cosh!) One kind for the rich, and one for the poor The only distinction is the thickness of their front door Unless it makes you act up, the law won't mind You play this game, the land is yours, the warden is blind Chemical (cosh!) Chemical (cosh!) It's the only kind we got (cosh!) if you won't come across They will have it known you're mad if you don't fit (with) their equation They will have you for not being rich or body-tax evasion and they'll pay some stoned stockbroker's son to phone and say, "I'm coming 'round and bringing my machine gun!" Chemical (cosh!) Chemical (cosh!) It's a stab in the neck and a boot in the chops From the earth-loving decade which denim forgot * A reference to "Care in the Community," a Tory plan to reduce health care spending on mental hospital patients by cutting them adrift. This caused much controversy a few years back in the UK.