Just Waiting Pensioner's waiting for leap year to come and the young singer's waiting to sing and there's a gardener outside a big estate waiting for the grass to turn green The drunk is waiting for an easy mark the hitchhiker is waiting for a ride and the prisoner's waiting for a prison break and the surfer is waiting for the tide Ah just waiting You know everything comes to a standstill nothing seems to make a turn cause the worm's still waitin' for the early bird and the early bird's waitin' for the worm And nobody wants to do nothing just waiting for a finger in the pie and waitin' for a call from a TV show or waitin' for an uncle to die 1-2-3 Everybody's waitin' for something and nothing ever turns out right because the night shift is waiting for the morning and the burglar is waiting for the night. Congregation is waitin' for the vicar and the vicar is waitin' for the groom the groom is waiting for his new bride But the bride is waitin' for June And everybody is just waitin' and nobody wants to settle down They got their heads in a holo-video The cretin is waitin for U2 to come on MTV again but the producer is waiting for the blonde bird and the blonde girl's waitin' for him Nobody wants to do nothing just waiting for their chips and their pie waitin' for a call from a big quiz show or waitin' for some rich relation to die You know everything comes to a standstill nothing ever makes a turn and the worm is waitin' for the grass to turn green while the early bird is waitin' for the worm I don't think I can really stand it no more I don't think I can go through it again I'm just waiting I'm just waiting I'm just waiting I'm just waiting Yeah bees are waitin' for honey and I'm putting it on the back burner for now cause everybody's racing and fawning and skivin' and honey I'm waitin' for you Ah-just waitin' Ah-just waitin' Ah-just waitin' Ah-just waitin'